Strange Fruit


I’d like today to introduce you to an amazing photographer Mark Darlington. Mark’s work has inspired my writing for a few weeks now, and I’m delighted to work alongside him here in a collaboration of words and photography. I’m humbled to him for allowing me to use such stunning visual photography and for giving the time to overlay my words onto them.

Mark and I were originally introduced through One Stop Poetry and twitter, and I was drawn to his wonderful artwork. More of his work can be found here

Welcome to the world of twisted images and repressed words 😉

And since we started on One Stop, here is our collaboration for today’s One Stop Wednesday.



Strange Fruit

you placed a crimson sin upon my breast
and pinned your mark so neatly on this bud
a sign of womanhood that I detest

I hear the racing pulse within your chest
emotions ripening just like a flood
you placed a crimson sin upon my breast

your darkest fantasies are here confessed
then hitting scarlet nectar with a thud
a sign of womanhood that I detest

an actress, right on cue I’m at my best
your body stiffens for my acted dud
You placed a crimson sin upon my chest

adorn my body, put my fears to rest
I’m not relaxing as you said I would
a sign of womanhood that I detest

and watching as your fingers come to rest
the juices flow in rivulets of blood
you placed the crimson sin upon my breast
a sign of womanhood that I detest


Marks work could keep me busy for the next few years at least!


34 responses to “Strange Fruit

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Strange Fruit | Musings and Smatterings --·

  2. ummm….dark and tasty….me likes it….i’m not relaxing as you said i would sticks out to me…not in a bad way just in honesty…

  3. Magnificent work, Shan. The photos and your words are evocative, sensual, and compliment one another perfectly. You two have a good match here…can’t wait to see more 🙂

  4. I LOVE “Strange Fruit” and Mark’s photography lives up to your words. I understand your collaboration. Though not truly collaborating with them, I do find poetic inspirations in the photographs of Ainsley Allmark @DolphinDancer and Simon K. Lloyd @simonscotland, both of whom are kind enough to allow me to use their photographs in my posts. Your words, as always, are brilliant ~ dark, evocative, sensual ~ and your use of the villanelle form is perfection. Love you! ♥

  5. Amazing…and a bit scary because…well…lets just say this resonates with a dark current winding it’s way round my life at the moment. No, can’t explain that one…but also couln’t resist noting the eirie coincidence.

    The photography is absolutely phenominal as are the words.

  6. Pingback: Strange Fruit (via Musings and Smatterings) | haiku love songs·

  7. By George I think she did it…said Henry Higgins and I believe you have and quite successfully. The form is yours and the poem rocks. Beautiful photography and your words invest it with evocative and literary alllusions as well as a sense of personal reference. Excellent write. Gay

  8. Soft, yet raw…this was deliciously sensuous and lovely!
    The amazing words seem to complement the stunning picture perfectly indeed!

    Cheers to many more such wonderful collaborations and One Shots!!

  9. Pingback: The Fruit Sin·

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  11. Pingback: Critique | Musings and Smatterings·

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